How Do We Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

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How Do We Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

 Stretch marks are a painful subject for almost every girl

on the planet.

How Do We Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

There are very few lucky ones who escape this annoying thing in their lives. The rest of us are always looking for new answers and new ways to get rid of stretch marks.

First of all, you will not like this, but I have to say - removing stretch marks is a very long process. Nothing can be done in a week or two; it will take you literary months to see the first results. Here's what you can do.

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1. What Are Stretch Marks?

To find a solution to get rid of stretch marks, you must first understand what stretch marks are. Stretch marks are caused by the tearing of the dermis, the middle layer of your skin. When the torn dermis tries to heal, it leaves scar tissue known as stretch marks.

Stretch marks usually appear as a result of rapid growth, rapid weight gain, or weight loss, and usually during pregnancy. Depending on your natural skin tone, they are pink, red, purple, or light brown when they first appear. As they age, they become lighter in color, more visible, and more difficult to remove.

2. Prevention

Removing stretch marks is much more difficult than Preventing them.  We are suffering from stretch marks due to several reasons, which can be included in genetics, but the main reason is dry skin. Your skin is having elasticity to a certain level, which allows your skin to bend forward without creating stretch marks.

If you have extra dry skin then you need to do something with your skin to remove dryness.

It is very important to do something about your dry skin, as the first rule is to prevent stretch marks. Find out how to treat extremely dry skin by reading 6 Effective Ways How To Treat Extremely Dry Skin After.

Keep Your skin hydrated if you don't want stretch marks.

This is especially important if you are pregnant. You need to start caring for yourself when you feel that your skin is in the stretching phase during pregnancy. Apply stretch mark cream, or a simple moisturizer, from the moment you find out you are pregnant and you will prevent over 90% of stretch marks that can appear during pregnancy.

Finally, avoid gaining too much weight. Not only does it lead to stretch marks, but it can also seriously harm your health. Lead a healthy life, with healthy food and exercise.

3. Early Reaction

If you want to get rid of stretch marks, do something about it as soon as you notice them. Pink stretch marks are much easier to remove than those big white ones. Whichever remedy you choose, they all work a lot better on new stretch marks than on those you've had for a while. And here are the actual remedies.

4. Use Creams and Lotions

There are many creams, body lotions, and moisturizers that can help with stretch marks. However, keep in mind that all of them are not proven to give results and for the best results, consult a dermatologist.

Creams and lotions that contain cocoa butter are probably the best. Make sure the cream you buy actually contains cocoa butter - the higher the amount, the better. Lotions containing vitamins A, E, and C are also very beneficial.

I would recommend that you always try lotions and creams first. You have to give them at least a month to see the results. Lotions are much cheaper than any other stretch mark treatment, but they don't always work.

How Do We Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

5. To Getting Rid Of Stretch Marks Use Topical Treatments

Many topical treatments should rid you of your stretch marks. However, only a handful of them has been proven to produce results. The best idea before deciding on a topical treatment is to consult your dermatologist. Here's what's available:

  1. Topical Tretinoin - Found in creams, this is another product that increases collagen production and reduces the appearance of pink stretch marks. It works best on stretch marks that are less than 6 weeks old and has absolutely no effect on old stretch marks. Pregnant women should avoid it.
  2. Retinoids - These are chemical compounds that are chemically related to Vitamin A. They are proven to stimulate the growth of epithelial cells and increase the amount of collagen in your skin. They can show results in the early stages but should be avoided if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  3. Glycolic Acid - It is believed to increase collagen production and prevent new stretch marks. It also gently removes the top layer of your skin, "scraping" the existing stretch marks. However, the treatment itself has not yet been fully researched. You will need at least 3-4 appointments with your dermatologist to see the results.

6. Laser Treatments

Laser treatments can be the most effective way to get rid of stretch marks. However, these treatments can be quite expensive and unfortunately, no one can guarantee you results as most of it depends on how your skin responds to laser treatment. They can also be quite painful.

These are the most common laser treatments for stretch marks:

  1. The Pulsed Dye Laser - is a laser treatment that causes the least amount of damage to the surrounding tissue while affecting your stretch marks. It gives better results on pink stretch marks, but can also be effective on white stretch marks. You need a minimum of 5 treatments. It is not recommended if you are pregnant, nursing, or skin tone is darker, and taking photosensitive medications. This means that all girls on birth control should forget about this.
  2. Excimer Laser - This laser doesn't actually remove your stretch marks, but increases the production of melanin, giving the stretch marks the color of the surrounding skin. You need 10-20 treatments, but they can also be effective on old stretch marks.
  3. Fractionated Laser - this is the most expensive laser treatment for stretch marks. You need a minimum of 3 sessions to see the 30% improvement. If you decide to do this, make sure you get it done with the latest-generation laser as they show much better results than those that are a bit older. Also works on fresh and old stretch marks.

So now you know. It's a process, it takes time and money, but it's doable.

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