How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?

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How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?

Treat Burns & Cuts Naturally With Home Remedies

How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?
One of the most unpleasant accidents that can occur in our daily life is getting burned and not knowing how to get immediate relief and how to heal the wound.

Check out the tips below and learn how to treat burns naturally and with easy-to-find home remedies.

1-Pull The Heat Away From The Burned Area Before Applying An Ointment

The first and most important thing when you get burned is to immediately run cold water over the burned area for 15 to 20 minutes to cool the overheated skin tissue and reduce pain. If the burns are more severe, place ice cubes on them for 10 minutes.

The next step is to apply an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial topical remedy to disinfect the burned area and relieve pain. Instead of using expensive chemical-based gels and creams, stick to numerous and highly effective home remedies.

2-Honey Isn't Just Sweet - It's Also An Effective Remedy For Treating Burns & Cuts

Honey was used for hundreds of years by ancient Egyptians and many other cultures to heal burns and wounds. It can fight almost 60 kinds of bacteria, prevent infections, and speed up the healing process.

It is a quick, natural, and easy-to-find remedy that can efficiently soothe mild burns and prevent the growth of microbes.

Raw honey, which has not undergone the pasteurization and filtration process, contains natural antibiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and is also a perfect antiseptic. The acidic properties of honey (which contains gluconic acid) can efficiently prevent the growth of bacteria.

When honey is applied to a wound or burn, a side enzyme it contains combines with fluids released by damaged tissue cells to produce hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant commonly sold in pharmacies and other stores.

How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?

How To Treat Burns With Honey?

Gently rinse the burn with cold sterile water.

Pour a thick layer of raw honey over the burned area and spread it gently to cover the entire wound.

Place sterile gauze over the honey and secure it with medical tape or cover the wound with a thin and clean plastic bag.

Apply this treatment for as long as needed (48 hours should be enough) and change the honey pads daily. Do not moisten or wet the wound.

3-Aloe Vera Cooling Gel Help Us To Relieve And Heal Burning Areas  

For many decades Aloe Vera has been used as a topical treatment. It is used if your body is having a cut or burning effect. It is rich in active compounds that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which are very helpful in fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation.

It contains allantoin, a natural healing agent that soothes burns by loosening dead skin cells and stimulating the growth of new and healthy tissue.

The cooling effects of Aloe Vera will in most cases provide immediate relief from burns and greatly reduce or prevent the formation of blisters.

If you are not growing your own plant, you can find many good-quality Aloe Vera products on the market. Just make sure they are all-natural and 100% stabilized Aloe Vera gels.

How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?

How To Treat Burns With Aloe Vera?

Break a stem from the Aloe Vera plant. Also, cut it lengthwise or into small pieces.

Pour the gel from the leaf into any glass or plate or take it out with a spoon.

Apply the gel to the burned area and continue to apply it until the burn is completely reduced and healed.

4-Treat Burns With The Amazing St. John's Wort Plant

Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and disinfectant properties, St. John's wort plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans, Americans, and other cultures as an ointment to purify, treat and repair the tissue of bruises and burns.

This potent plant contains hyperforin, which has great therapeutic properties, helpful in healing and regenerating burned skin tissue while preventing bacteria and viral infections.

How To Treat Minor Cuts Wounds And Burns?

How To Treat Burns With St. John's Wort?

Make an infusion by steeping a handful of dried herbs with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it cool, dip a sterile piece of gauze in it and apply topically as a poultice.

Prepare infused oil: Put the flowers of the St. John's wort plant in a pot and cover them completely with olive oil. Keep the pot in a warm and sunny place for at least 1 month.

Apply this oil to a small bandage to wrap the wound and allow the skin to absorb the oil, or soak a piece of sterile gauze with oil and use it as a compress.

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