How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise?

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How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise?

7-Step Plan To Lose Weight Fast 

Without An Exercise.

You Can Easily Lose 10 kg.

Everyone knows that exercising is very good for you. If you can exercise a few times a week, then I applaud that. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, this is not for everyone.

In this article, I describe a method to make weight loss without exercise possible.

To Lose Weight Fast Without An exercise you need to follow a 7-Step Plan that you can apply so that you can easily lose 10 kg. Not only is a healthy weight achievable, by following the 7-Steps you can experience even more health benefits including

·         More Energy

·         Preventing Diabetes

·         Less Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

·         A Better Immune System

Lose Weight Fast With The 7-Step Plan

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

Based on my 7-Step Plan, you will balance your blood sugar level and increase the basal metabolism so that weight loss is possible again. Read & Follow these steps carefully if you want to look Slim (without exercising).

1. Remove All Unhealthy Products From Your Home

·         If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to remove all unhealthy products from your home.

·         By unhealthy products I mean, among other things:

·         Cake, candy, chips, pastries, etc.

·         Packages, bags, cans, and sauces with refined additions

·         fast food

·         Simple carbohydrates such as (white) bread, (white) pasta, (white) rice, etc.

·         Soft drinks and juices

·         Light products with synthetic sweeteners

On the other hand, provide healthy products such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs, fatty fish, unprocessed meat, etc.

 2. Avoid Sweetened Drinks

The biggest danger of consuming a lot of sugar is from drinking soft drinks, fruit juices, and other sweetened drinks. It's easy to drink too much of it because it's not filling.

A 200 ml glass of apple juice contains 24 grams of sugar. With that, you are almost at the daily amount, and then you have not eaten anything else.

3. Eat More Protein and Fat

Proteins have a positive effect on your appetite. A protein-rich meal ensures that you are full for longer and therefore eat fewer calories in a day. 

One study found that people who ate 15% more protein consumed 441 fewer calories per day and lost 4 kg more fat without further dietary restrictions. 

If you are used to breakfast mainly with bread, muesli, etc., it is advisable to opt for a protein-rich breakfast.

Healthy sources of protein include meat (especially game and poultry), wild-caught and oily fish, dairy (especially raw, unpasteurized dairy), nuts, seeds, legumes, and eggs.

Why We Should Eat Fats?

You need fat to burn fat. This may sound contradictory because we have feared that fat is unhealthy. This is anything but true.

A study in which people were put on a diet with healthy fats showed that these people had a much faster metabolism and therefore lost more fat than people who ate little fat.

What matters is from which sources you get these fats.

Healthy fats can be found in olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, avocado, fatty fish, grass-fed animal products, nuts, seeds, and olives.

The fats that we should avoid for a healthy weight are trans fats. These are hardened oils such as low-fat margarine and margarine.

You can find trans fats in cookies, chips, candy, pastries/cakes, frying fat, frozen products, ready meals, and fast food.

4. Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

A fiber-rich meal ensures that you remain satiated for longer after eating. This prevents you from getting hungry again quickly.

Research shows that people who eat enough fiber daily have a lower weight than people who eat little fiber.

Fiber ensures that carbohydrates are broken down more slowly and the energy is absorbed into your body. This keeps your blood sugar level stable, which is important when you want to lose weight. This also ensures that you are more energetic during the day.

The daily recommended amount of fiber is 30 to 40 grams. The best sources of fiber are:

·         Vegetables

·         Fruit

·         Oatmeal

·         Legumes

·         Nuts

·         Linseed

·         Chia seed

·         Whole grains and unprocessed grains (brown and brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat))

·         Sweet potatoes

5. Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating causes us to eat far more calories than we need. Your Mind needs some time to absorb what you have eaten. If you mindlessly eat a bag of chips in no time, there is no signal that you are actually full for a long time.

Of course, this also applies to a normal meal. The faster you eat, the more likely you are to eat more than you need.

Chewing well so that you eat more slowly makes you feel full and therefore eat less. This also prevents you from quickly getting hungry for a snack again.

6. Balance Your Hormones

This is the last and certainly a very important step for losing excess weight. Try to limit your stress level and make sure you get enough sleep.

Too much stress and little sleep cause your hormone balance to get confused so that they no longer function as it should. Especially the hormones that have to do with regulating your appetite get out of balance.

7. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drink More water to lose weight

A study shows that if you drink half a liter of water 30 minutes before a meal, you experience less hunger and eat fewer calories. The participants in this study lost 44% more weight than the participants who did not drink water before a meal.

Recommended daily amount: 2 liters of water per day.  Before a Meal, you need to take 0.5 liters of water for thirty minutes.

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